Rack of Lamb in DeRidder LA Rub lamb with a paste made of olive oil, s

Rack of Lamb in DeRidder LA Rub lamb with a paste made of olive oil, sage, thyme and rosemary. Dash with salt. Preheat grill to 500F. Throw lamb on the grill. Hot grill will seal in juices. After one minute or so flip lamb and seal other side. Stay at grill and continue flipping lamb and watching for flame ups. Take each piece of lamb off grill as they start looking done. Tip: rack of lamb taste great with blue cheese crumbled on top. #RackOfLamb #LambChops #DeRidder #DeRidderRealEstate #Leesville #FortPolk
posted via instagram by deridderrealestate on Feb 15, 2015 @ 13:49
Look delicious! #fortpolk #deridder #lambchops #rackoflamb